Saturday, February 27, 2016

The challenge of chaotic living and actually living with ADD

I got up this morning with the intention of doing billing.  I hate doing billing.  I would rather go to the dentist and have work done without a local anesthetic.  I lose forty percent of my pay if I do not turn my billing logs into the court within a month of delivery of service and I frequently lose that money due to my procrastination.  Upon getting my tankard of coffee, I sat down at the computer with the intention of opening up the program and starting.  I ended up customizing my homepage, linking my twitter to it, reading about various add-on apps to Firefox and updating it, reading another blog and commenting, and even reading an old email account to see the two thousand advertisements, there.

So now, I stare at the screen disgusted that I have wasted almost three hours essentially doing little more than playing. 

Sometimes, it is hard to admit how much ADD and chaotic living can overwhelm one's life and make it more difficult.  One's entire life can be distilled into the present moment and the decisions they make at that time. I am going to go say good morning to the rest of the family, see what the plans are for Saturday if we want to make any, and I will have to wait to actually do my billing until tonight when everyone else is either reading, playing themselves on devices, or getting ready to go to bed.

If you wish in your left hand and fill the right with manure, the right hand weighs the most and at least the manure makes good fertilizer. Time today to stop daydreaming and creating castles in my mind's eye and do the monotonous and tedious tasks to actually build them.  I honestly do not know what is motivating me to share this, but hopefully it will cause me to take more responsibility and now attack what is honestly to me the travails of my vocation.  Seizing each moment and focalizing it through the incredibly narrow and rigid projected identity of self-discipline and concentration is the greatest challenge to initiating the first small step to accomplishing the work to achieve the benefits of those daydreams that are so distracting. In a prison, putting or housing an inmate in segregated isolation is the greatest punishment.  Sometimes, I think for me, I could just close my eyes and stay in that situation for time infinitum just contemplating my own thoughts.  Wow, I just wasted another 53 minutes while typing this blog and looking up some references to explain my thoughts like projected identity.  It is time to channel my inner Albert Ellis and take charge.  Carpe Diem!!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

A little loathing and perplexment.

This administration commits impeachable compromises of our security every single day. They ship weapons to drug dealers in Mexico. They Mirandize Enemy Combatants before we have a chance to interrogate them.  We allow our sovereign territory to be over run in foreign lands.  All of this is directly traceable back to the current occupiers of the White House.  Why our supposed elected representatives in Washington stand by and do absolutely NOTHING is beyond me. Are our elected officials all just so concerned with their own little fiefdoms that they could care less about America? We have a 17 trillion dollar debt, a military crippled by fiscal neglect, an explosive entitlement class, rotting moral fiber and redundant public works projects. We are slowly, but surely, marching into choice between a dictatorial remedy, or extinction.As Margaret Thatcher said so well, "Eventually, you run out of other people's money." At that point, we will have the revolution, just like Greece, and since there will be no country to bail us out of our debt, we will implode and the rabble will elect the first populist that promises them everything or who promises them the most. I am starting to think that the only thing that will save us at this point, besides direct divine intervention, is a virus to thin out the herd.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Balancing Islam, predjudice, and acceptance.

A real and admitted Jihadist from Twitter.
       I have seriously wrestled with the issue of Islam and the Muslim religion for a VERY long time.  I have prayed over it.  I worked closely with the Mosque in Cincinnati when a mortician as we had the contract to serve as the de facto funeral home for the mosque.  I personally coordinated the international shipment of the remains of the person for whom the Mosque is named.   I know many peace-loving Muslims, including fellow students with whom I went to law school, and some of these young ladies I would trust to babysit my kids.   I am not some closed minded racist parochial hick that has not been regularly exposed to this culture.  

    I left the religion that I was baptized into and followed most of my life. For example, I used to be a very active Methodist.  The church started actively advocating pro-choice stances, and the church started advocating the Homosexual agenda.  The membership campaign, "Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors"  was specifically geared at bringing in the "diversity" elements of society, e.g. read LGBT crowds.  At the same time, the Church was taking stances on everything from nuclear power to the ways I could work with the developmentally disabled population I served for 15 plus years.   Almost every position taken by the church was not only in opposition to what I believed, but what I was raised to believe in opposition to the scripture.  So, I decided I did not want my money, prayers or presence to support that church and decided to go church shopping.  This was not an easy decision.  My sister-in-law is a Methodist Minister and baptized two of my children and all three of my children were baptized in the Methodist Church.  I attended the membership classes with Julia and was standing beside her when she was baptized in the Hyde Park Community United Methodist Church in Cincinnati.  My late uncle was a Methodist Minister.  My mother was more than once selected as a delegate representing our church to the conference where policy decisions were made.   I personally served as the Chairman of the Hyde Park's Social Justice Committee and we had a larger budget than many charitable foundations.  All that said, I simply could not abide where I saw the church going in terms of its stances on very important moral issues.  These issues PALE in comparison to the actions taken by radicalized elements of Islam.  No Methodist is murdering, bombing, raping or maiming others.  No Methodist is persecuting another religion or exacting a tax for not believing in the Church.  No Methodist is blowing up Churches or killing little girls on the way to school. I also know from my own personal experience that if my religion was taking such evil steps as the one taken by the Muslims, I would turn tail and leave it as fast as my feet would take me.    So, why aren’t all my smart, intelligent, and peace-loving friends? 

    Why aren’t all the Muslims who say they are peace loving screaming for reform of their religion?  I do not understand why they are not  forming reformed mosques.  I do not understand why my peace-loving Muslim friends are not distancing themselves from the violent and misogynistic passages in the Koran and  writing new interpretations which discount the violence contained therein as not pertinent in today's society. 

       You know, on Monday I was accusing radical Jihadists of the attack in Boston. I went on to quote SCOTUS cases that are still good law that justified deporting entire groups who had alienated themselves from US culture and presented a threat. I got unfriended by at least one person, called numerous names, and told to go where it is very warm. (Not Florida).

      Well, guess what? We find out the terrorists are indeed radicalized Jihadists and had already enjoyed the benefits of living in the US for 10 plus years and one was reportedly a second year medical student.

      What does this say? Well, I think it says we are dealing with an ideology like no other that we have encountered in human history and its direct indoctrination of its adherents is an anathema to those principles that we hold dear.

      I fear that the time is coming when we must approach that ideology on the whole and unfortunately separate apart from us all those who choose it over the blessings granted to us as a nation.
I personally believe that due to all the violent and misogynistic passages and history of the religion that the spread of Islam can only come from the traditions of Jihad and Taqiyya, i.e. violent intimidation and duplicitous lying. If this last week's actions do not convince you of this, and if that poor little boy's broken body does not tell you what this group is capable of doing, then nothing I say or write will open your eyes.  You or your children will die in ignorance and regret.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Devaluing Marriage and the Rise of Homosexual Legitimacy

         The socially conservative folks of this country have no one to blame but themselves for the fact that the Supreme Court has heard two cases in the last two days that could redefine the meaning of marriage.  We are the ones who allowed ourselves to be drug along down that slippery slope in the late sixties and early seventies when the morally relevant said , "If a man and woman want to get a divorce, whose business is it but theirs?"  We are the ones who allowed themselves to be drug along during the "sexual revolution" when the morally relevant said if a man and woman want to have sex outside of marriage, whose business is it but theirs?" (Regardless of the consequences) When the inevitable happened and these couplings outside of marriage produced issue, we allowed ourselves to be drug along when the morally relevant said, "If a woman wants to raise a baby alone or have it sucked out of her womb, whose business is it but theirs"  Each step devalued the meaning of marriage, the meaning of what it is to be a parent, and what it means to be part of an intact family.  

        What happened at the end of moral relativity luge ride?  We have kids killing each other in the streets.  We have at least two generations of children born into poverty, dependency, homelessness, addiction, violence and hunger. We have a lower rate of education than almost any industrialized nation by comparison and our inner city schools are failing so badly that the federal, state and local governments cannot throw money fast enough at any promised cure.  Actually, for every societal ill we have faced in the last 60 years, concomittant with the luge ride, there has been an outcry for a governmental solution or program,  The unintended consequences of these programs ultimately fulfills and ensures a cycle of dependency, entitlement and proliferation of the family disintegration.

     Should we ask a child born to give up a mother or ask them to give up a father?  By allowing sex out of wedlock, by default we are tacitly approving of this.  I do not blame homosexuals for saying they should be entitled to get married.  If it is no one's business of the relationships that lead to societal problems, why shouldn't the homosexuals be able to join in the cabal?  Just like the US dollar has become devalued, so has marriage.  We create both without regard to foundational collateral.  The dollar has no proportional capital supporting it and couples enter into marriage without proportional commitment  supporting the institution. If we devalue sex as a physical act only without any constraints of responsibility for potential outcomes i.e. pregnancy, then we have also devalued parenting and procreation.  If we say men or women per se are superfluous to the parenting equation, and tacitly agree that a child can be raised equally well by any combination of adults or lack thereof, we have devalued the meaning of parenting.   Why then, if one man or one woman can raise a child as well as a couple, why shouldn't two men or two women be given the same opportunity? 

          Study after study has shown that poverty rates are decreased between married couples.  Education is increased for children from two parent families.  Overall society is benefited by marriage.  For thousands of years, marriage has been a recognition of society's need for an institution that provides for a stable family unit.  I frankly do not care if I sound like a homophobe or not at this point.  I get called names all the time about my conservative positions, so adding homophobe to the list of ad hominem attacks is just par for the course.    As a child of a traditional family and as a parent of one, and having seen both the problems caused by single parent families, and the instability that is a known statistic amongst homosexual couples, I cannot imagine them  for the most part being able to adequately raise a child and provide the guidance they need into adulthood.  Children need both sexed parents so they can properly observe and imitate their own sex and roles as well as relate to the other sex We devalued the institution of marriage as much as the US Dollar.  
         The only acceptable reasons for divorce are Abuse, un-repentent Addiction, and Adultery.  If people viewed the seriousness and necessity of raising a child in a stable environment; and actually took marriage for the institution with all the gravity and responsibility attached that comes with it, we would not even be in this mess.  I frankly could not give a flying fig what people do behind closed doors or what they stick in each other's orifices.  If two people are engaging in Heterosexual sex, they darn well better make sure if they are doing it outside the confines marriage that they are prepared and willing to take responsibility for the consequences.  If two people are engaging in homosexual sex, don't expect any of the benefits that come along with creating and caring for a life within the purview of a what should be a stable married couple. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fixing Society Through Good Parenting


       I am not bragging, but we eat two meals together during the week and three on the weekends.  We pray together and almost never miss church unless sick.  Chas read the complete bible this last summer and he is only 10.  The boys help me out with chores and Maya and Julia frequently do things together as well.  We try to do at least a couple of family activities a week like going on hikes, etc. as the weather permits.  The reason I am telling you all this is because I think the LEADING cause of problems in this nation is not politics in D.C., the recession, or the state of our education system. 

       The major problem facing our country is the disconnect in families.  Dr. Laura Schelessinger wrote at length about "Parenting by Proxy."  That is just the tip of the iceberg when you consider the number of parents who are in prison, drug dependent, or just out of the picture altogether.  The Johnson Administration decimated the traditional family when he gave preference to single mothers over intact families regarding entitlements. 

       Lax drug enforcement laws and a poor education system in many inner city schools lead the way to further poverty and a growing underclass.   Chronic unemployment and government programs that encourage dependence destroy initiative and ego.  Targeted advertising and promotion of high powered alcohol and high nicotine cigarettes along with urban carryout stores with a paucity of fresh vegetables and fruits leads to chronic obesity, poor mental health and long term disease such as diabetes and heart problems and COPD.  People feel like they have no self worth. Simple Work confers dignity.   But all these problems at the core go hand in glove with poor parenting and it becomes a self-perpetuating cycle. 

       The solution is for parents to spend quality child centered time with their kids and do it every day.  Julia does homework with the kids every day.  She plays with the kids.  I do lots of fun things with them on the weekends and we do chores together around the house.  Chores develop both good work habits and interaction.  Finally, parents need to pray with their children and conduct their own lives as a model for how they want their children to behave.  If you want your children to be just, be fair with them.  If you want them to be honest, don't lie yourself.  If you objectify the opposite sex, do not expect your child to grow up treasuring their spouse.  Live by example.  Pray to G-d every day for guidance and thank G-d every day for the opportunity to be a parent because it is the single most rewarding and important job in the world. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Miracles are where you see them. Here is one I thought I would share with you.

To my fellow believing friends:

You know, every time I am at my depths of it, G-d seems to come through.  Friday, Maya was sick.  She had to skip school due to a sore throat.  Saturday, she still had a sore throat and was running a fever.  I knew we had to go to the Doctor and that they had Saturday morning hours.  We were flat broke.  I mean FLAT broke.  I did not even know how we were going to come up with the $15 dollar deductible for the office visit.  I get into the car that Julia usually drives back and forth to work, and see she is down to a quarter tank of gas.  I am thinking, "Julia does not get paid until Friday, how the heck is she going to make it back and forth this week and now we have to somehow come up with money for gas and doctor visit and whatever medication the doctor would prescribe?."   I am literally driving to the bank with one hand on the wheel and one hand holding up my head and holding back tears of stress and angst in front of the kids.

I am praying and asking G-d for help all the way to the bank.  I am telling him I am desperate and do not know what to do.  I am beside myself with angst and worry. 

I had a check from a legal job and a couple of checks that my sister signed to the kids for the magazine drive.  She did not want the magazines, but wanted to make a donation to the school and she told me that she wrote the checks to the kids and that I should just deposit them and when they cleared donate the money to the school   The total amount was enough to cover the visit, the meds, and the gas and get a few needed groceries. I had called my sister and asked her if I could use the checks as "float" until next Friday.  She of course said yes.  These checks were two party checks. Now, the other check was from a job I had from a lawyer in the Philippines and the check did not look at all like the typical American Check.  We had less than two bucks in our checking account as reserve to cover the checks until they cleared. 

The bank NEVER would cash these checks under typical circumstances.  The teller asked me what I would like to do with them, and I said, "Well, I would like to cash them, but I know you won't do that, so I guess I will have to deposit them and wait until they clear."   She said, "Well I will cash them, otherwise you would be waiting until at least Tuesday before you had access to the money."  I said, "I thought you never did that."  She said, "Well we consider a lot of factors."   (They have never considered these, "factors" before and I do not know what they are but I hope she does not get in any trouble.)

So. I take Maya to the Doctor.  Of course she has Strep Throat and we need to get antibiotics.  So we go to the pharmacy and we get them.  I had two prescriptions that I absolutely had to fill for myself.  So, I get all three filled.  The pharmacist assistant says, "The antibiotic is free.  You also get a $25 dollar coupon for transferring a prescription here that you had filled a a previous pharmacy.  You can use that discount for groceries."   So all the needed groceries we really had to buy while we were waiting for the prescriptions to get filled cost us all of three dollars.  I was even able to buy a small treat for Julia, and the kids.  I still had enough money to get gas in Julia's car.  I go to the gas station there at Kroger and got a forty cent per gallon discount since I fill prescriptions at Kroger and was able to fill the tank.  

At the end of the day, I still had enough money to pay for my own doctor appointment on Monday.  So I will be able to go to that. 

Now,I know all this can be explained rationally, but I also am firmly convinced miracles are where we see them and find them through faith.  I started off the morning with a sick kid, no money and barely enough gas to get to the bank.  I ended the day with enough gas to get Julia back and forth to work for the week, groceries, and enough money to pay the doctors and meds.  G-d is good, all the time.  I relayed this story to Julia and the kids.  Julia was just as shocked that the bank would cash the checks and was even more shocked that we got the $25 dollar coupon unexpectedly from Kroger.  The kids did not realize how stressed out I was, but they certainly got a lesson in the power of prayer. 

Just thought I would share this with you.  You know, I told G-d if I made it through Law School and got a job before we went bankrupt that I would put a large Sacred Heart of Jesus Statue in our front yard out of witness to our faith and thanksgiving.  (This was not a bribe, I know you cannot ever bribe G-d, but I wanted him to know how grateful I would be when this happened.)    Thanks to the shifting political winds we have lost our entire stock portfolio, and despite my not having been able to find a job yet, and despite being on the verge of bankruptcy due to massive student loan debt, we have never missed a house payment, and the kids have been able to stay at Holy Trinity School and they have never wanted for clothing or food.  We have never been unable to get enough gas to get Julia to work and while our transportation has a combined age of most college graduates, and even with a car getting totaled a year ago, we have always had transportation for our family.  I fully expect and believe that I will be putting up that Statute by this Summer and I am inviting you now to come to the house for its blessing. 

Take care.  As a fellow Christian I hope you enjoyed this anecdote.   

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The People Spoke, and it was Blather.

Well, I got up yesterday and stood out on my feet for 13 hours in 20-28 degree weather and wind  handing out Election Slate Cards and talking to voters.  I was so tired last night when I got home that I could not even stay up to watch the rest of the election results and went to bed not knowing who won. 

For those who read Ayn Rand, it is time to shrug.  Save up, invest over seas, and leave.  The have nots stole the election last night just like they steal everything else  The minions of Satan will continue down the road of death.    Evil whisperers spoke into uninformed ears and the willfully ignorant listened.   You simply cannot remove the scales of the blind if they insist on covering their eyes with their hands.   

The entitlement class won last night.  The producers and the tax payers lost.    We need a leader to stand up and call for secession and the Conservative States of America.  We need a leader to stand up and say, "If you want hand outs move to locations who voted for them and leave the producers alone to enjoy the fruits of their labor."   The entitlement class is prepared at gunpoint under the guise of the IRS to steal directly from your pocket. 

Everyone is dissecting the race and hoping to find out what the tea leaves all mean.  It is simple- 1) You cannot run a campaign based on jobs when people don't want to work. 2) You cannot run a campaign of substance in a country that would rather watch the View and Letterman for their news source than pick up a newspaper, book or actually investigate a record. 3) You cannot run a campaign based on values when you have a country that cares more about being non-judgmental and morally relative than it does about having conviction of heart.  4) You cannot run a campaign based upon self-reliance in a country where Americans believe the government is responsible for your welfare.  These are the lessons of the campaign and they are that simple and that pathetic. 

As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord. 

Without a doubt, collectively America is on the path to Greece, default, and bankruptcy at the hands of spendthrifts and Chinese Creditors.  The only way for individual Americans to avoid the path to Greece now is to start investing in accounts untouchable by the feds and start looking at property which is unreachable by the socialists in charge of the Checkbook in Washington. 

This country is finished.  In a democratic process where the right to vote is extended equally to felons, the dependent and the slothful as it is to those producing for the economy and common good, the process itself is doomed to fail.   Stock Futures are down, and rightfully so.  We are on a fiscal cliff and every Obama Voter just helped pushed the country over the edge.  I hope you are happy. 

Don't complain to me when you are living in the streets.  Don't complain to me when you cannot afford to get to work or fill your tank.  Don't complain to me when you are denied medical care.  Don't complain because you cannot pray in the public square or your church is forced to stop services because of its convictions of conscience.   Don't complain to me when the government tries to tax your guns and bullets out of existence.  Don't complain to me when your boss lays you off because of increased government regulations.  Don't complain to me when your agency gets cut because the chickens come home to roost and there simply is no more tax dollars to steal to fund it. 

I hope the President FAILS.  I hopes his Policies FAIL.  I hope we have gridlock in Congress the next four years in Washington.  I hope that we have Benghazi-gate, that we appoint special counsel to investigate the green company investments and operation fast and furious.  I hope that Obama is so bogged down with every battle over the decisions he made the last four years that he prays to his god for deliverance from his office.  I do not unite with Romney in hoping the best for our President.  His values, his policies and his morals and his positions are a total anathema.  

I pray for G-d to forgive us for our failings.  He cannot, however, spare us from the decisions we make of our own free will.  That is on us, and now it is on the heads of our children.  Collectively, last night this country took one more step down the path of good intentions that ultimately leads to the gates of hell.  

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Democrats vs. Republicans, Obama vs. Romney

What are the Differences 

Oakland's Occupy Movement


      Republicans might throw mud in campaigns, just like the liberals, but they do not react the same way as Democrats when they lose or when they get the short end of the stick. All you have to do is compare the Washington Mall after the Tea Party Rally, which had over a Million people and either any Occupy Movement Site, (professed environmentalists by the way) who defecated or masturbated publically.  


The Teachers trashing the Wisconsin Capital.
Notice the cleanliness of a miilion tea partiers?
All the TEA Party members before the rally.

      Furthermore, Republicans, in deference to law enforcement despite violation of their Second Amendment rights, turned over their guns in New Orleans after Katrina hit.  This was at the same time when Armed National Guard had to go into the Ninth Ward to stop the random gunfire.  Those are just two examples hat come to mind, Hopefully, you understand.  Precincts controlled by Democrats have a MUCH higher crime rate.  That is a statistical fact. 

Thomas Sowell speaks out about expected Race Riots if Obama Loses the Election.

       Please, if you care at all about this Country I am begging you to vote for Romney this election.  
Doubled Debt, Triple Gas Prices, Printing Money to buy our own bonds with interest.
A rally of unemployed workers.
          We have a doubled National Debt in the last four years, and if you include those no longer able to report their unemployment due to them exhausting their benefits, the Unemployment Rate is actually around 17%. 
Nuclear Bomb Schematic
      Furthermore, our foreign relations and status in the World Political stage has so weakened during the last four years that Al-Qaeda has rebuilt five training camps in Western Iraq. Iran has the bomb. North Korea has Missiles capable of hitting the US. Obama has done NOTHING to stop China's sales of weapons to North Korea. 
A rocket is carried by a military vehicle during a military parade to celebrate the centenary of the birth of Kim Il-sung in Pyongyang April 15, 2012. REUTERS/Bobby Yip
This is a Chinese Missile Launcher in North Korea. 
      Finally, we are looking at three SCOTUS appointments in the next four years.  Obama, as a state legislator opposed a bill that would protect babies born alive after failed abortions.  HE WANTED DOCTORS TO JUST LET THE BABIES DIE.  If he puts three more justices on the Supreme Court, you can bet that Obamacare with its death panel and its forced taxpayer funded abortions and abortifacients will stay on the books.  Obama's SCOTUS will severely cut or constrict our Second Amendment rights and Obama will have nothing holding him back since he is ineligible for a third term. 
A Baby.  Not a Clump of Cells.
      I am only devoting this much time explaining my positions on these matters because I know there are reasonable and smart people who may, for whatever reason, still be considering voting for Obama.  There are folks out there who are entirely capable of making a decision based on the facts.
      If you agree, and want to share this, please do because we need to reach as many people as possible before this watershed election.  If you have any questions or wish to disagree with any of the points I have raised here, I encourage you to contact me at and I will be more than happy to provide citations for every fact I asserted.
      If you have gotten this far and read to the end of my rant, I thank you for your time.  If you did not get this far because you refused to look at the truth, then you will never know that you are willfully ignorant to your very core. 


"But already, there have been questions about the National Guard being heavily deployed in Iraq when there's looting and gunfire in New Orleans, " Page 2 of 3, Page 2: Katrina's Aftermath Could Bring Political Storms - ABC News, (last visited Oct. 14, 2012).

"The historic jazz city became a playground for armed looters, and sporadic gunfire hampered chaotic and widely criticized rescue efforts." Bodies, gunfire and chaos in New Orleans' streets - General News - redOrbit, (last visited Oct. 14, 2012).

"'New Orleans is the bluest area of the red state,' Maginnis said. 'If you had an election tomorrow, you wouldn't have many people even able to vote in New Orleans.' " Page 3 of 3, Page 3: Katrina's Aftermath Could Bring Political Storms - ABC News, (last visited Oct. 14, 2012).

"The Chosunilbo of South Korea is also reporting that a Chinese company that specializes in this type of mobile launcher exported eight of them between 2010 and 2011. South Korean government sources speculated that the vehicle spotted on Sunday “was probably imported from China.”" Shanghaiist in News on April 17, 2012 2:30 PM, China-exported missile launcher spotted in Pyongyang: Shanghaiist, (last visited Oct. 14, 2012).

"'If Romney wins I'm Starting a Riot (sic),' wrote 'Facey,' who asked, 'Who's WIT ME? (sic)' 'I Hope The USA Is Well Aware That If In The Event This Character Romney Wins The Election, The People Will Start A Country Wide Riot (sic),' tweeted 'John Kramer.' 'I Heard Mitt Romney , Tryna Take Away Food Stamps , If He Do .IMA START A RIOT , IMA START A RIOT (sic),' added 'Tommy Pickles.' 'If Romney wins ima start a riot ima start a riot (sic),' said 'Scorpio King.'" Obama supporters on Twitter threaten to riot if Romney wins election - Spokane Conservative |, (last visited Oct. 14, 2012).

"At a two-hour meeting Thursday night, some neighbors said protesters urinated in the streets and beat drums in the middle of the night. 'They're defecating on our doorsteps,' said Catherine Hughes, a member of the area's community board, a representative panel that helps funnel local concerns to city officials." Protesters urinating in the streets and defecating on our doorsteps, (last visited Oct. 15, 2012).

"At a two-hour meeting Thursday night, some neighbors said protesters urinated in the streets and beat drums in the middle of the night. 'They're defecating on our doorsteps,' said Catherine Hughes, a member of the area's community board, a representative panel that helps funnel local concerns to city officials." Protesters urinating in the streets and defecating on our doorsteps, (last visited Oct. 15, 2012).

" Is there no bottom to the moral pit at #occupy events? An LA Occupier sets a new low bar." Left-Wing Institute For Civil Discourse, (last visited Oct. 15, 2012).

"A Chinese firm that intelligence agencies believe provided North Korea with the body of an off-road transport vehicle used to carry missiles appears to have a press release on its website that boasts about the sale, U.N. diplomats told Reuters" Louis Charbonneau, Exclusive: China firm boasts about missile-linked North Korea sale: envoys | Reuters, (last visited Oct. 15, 2012).

"Iranian military writings describe making a catastrophic nuclear EMP attack to eliminate the United States as an actor on the world stage. Iran has practiced launching missiles to simulate an EMP attack, including from a vessel at sea." Peter Vincent Pry-The Washington Times, PRY: If Iran already has the bomb, what then? - Washington Times, (last visited Oct. 15, 2012).

"During his time in the Illinois Senate, Obama voted against the Born Alive Act, a bill that requires doctors to give care to babies who survive abortions. " Listen: Barack Obama Calls Newborn Baby a "Fetus Outside of the Womb" - Katie Pavlich, (last visited Oct. 15, 2012).

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Fixing Our Education System Using Common Sense and the Market

Fixing Education in the United States: A Five Step Approach.

Step one: Evaluate all children using an unbiased third party and assign them a combined score based upon teach-ability, behavior, and intelligence.  This score will enable parents with more difficult students due to disability to receive a larger voucher, and if a student shows promise in a given area such as mathematics or science, the parent can receive a larger voucher for this as well.  Of course, some kind of due process will have to be included in this assessment so parents can either ask for retesting or appeal their child's score based upon other equally accurate criteria. 
            Step two: Give every child a waiver that approximates as closely as possible the total expenditures of the state per pupil.  The amount paid will reflect the total amount that the taxpayers shell out for their yearly education currently.   
            Step three: We independently license teachers to be service providers similar to engineers, lawyers, and doctors.  States set up the education requirements for a teaching license so that anyone who can pass the licensing exam and has a degree in the appropriate area can teach.  That way, chemists can teach chemistry part time, engineers can teach math, etc. and many professionals can give back to the community. 
            Step four: Establish a tier based quota on the total number of students a teacher can accept based on the criteria reached in # 1 and require teaching assistants if that number is exceeded.  That way an excellent teacher who works with very difficult students with autism will earn as much as a teacher of 25 students who have typical learning capacity.  If students are behaviorally challenging due to disability, then their vouchers conceivably can be large enough to pay for an aide for the teacher so long as the student's teach-ability sub-score is equally high.  Teachers who specialize in difficult subject areas will get more money as well because the students doing well in more challenging fields will receive a larger voucher.  

           Step five: Award an annual grade to each teacher based upon objective test criteria or measurable metrics met, as well as parent satisfaction and publish this number.  This will be analogous to scores given to restaurants for following health regulations.  Teachers will have the opportunity to use a due process step at their own expense to either appeal their score or introduce independent objective criteria justifying a higher grade.
            Teachers will be true independent professionals.  In this scenario, teachers can rent church basements, use old storefronts or anything else for space.  They can buy all their own equipment or share it as doctor's associations do.  If Teachers directly received the $9,000.00 plus dollars, the average state expends educating a student then they will easily be able to earn $100-200K per year.  The only real restraint on this will be their individual performance.  The market will rule.       
                 Parents can also contain costs or earn money.  If parents wanted their kids in extracurricular activities, they can ether join leagues similar to Pop Warner or other clubs and pay for it out of their own pocket.  If a parent becomes licensed, and teaches their own kids, then they can get the reimbursement /waiver directly.  Parents can still home school, but they will have to be licensed educators to receive reimbursement.
          This is a win-win plan.  Imagine a world without capital expenditures for huge schools, teacher's unions, and administration heavy budgets.  Teachers will earn wages similar to other professionals and if they are good, they will earn both parent and student respect.  (Many have that now, but it will inherently increase due to the close relationship the teachers will form with their students.)  The best part is that Students will be the real winners, because teachers will share equal interest in their success.  Students will have the status of clients and teachers will treat them as such.  Teachers will have the status of real professionals.  Parents and students will fight to get the best ones.   

Monday, August 29, 2011

Teacher's Unions, Baby Murder, and The Left .

I engaged a friend of mine in a recent discussion concerning vandalism of an inner city school when Governor Scott Walker was coming to visit. This thread eventually turned into a discussion of teacher's unions, and the left in general. I decided to post my final reply here. My friend was pretty much arguing for abortion allowances for cases of rape and not using the correct evidentiary standard when establishing that the Radicalized Teacher's Unions may have been involved in the vandalism. Here is the post with the names deleted:

Regarding rape and abortion, or rather rape and pregnancy, if a person becomes a person at the time of conception, and if a person is a person the day before he or she is born, two days before he or she is born. a month before he or she is born, and a person back to the time he or she is born, that person, regardless of the circumstances of their conception, is no less a person than a person born full term. Period. Therefore, their rights to life are preeminent to the wishes of the mother, the father, or anyone else for that matter unless the mother's life is in danger.

As far as teacher pay and our failing education system is concerned, I have posted my solution to the education problem too numerous times to mention. We privatize education, give every kid a voucher, let the market rule. Teachers would get rich, schooling would improve, and education overall would reach unknown levels.

Teachers unionize because they work for a school system. If the system was privatized, they would work for themselves like doctors or lawyers. As it is, they are in radicalized unions, following socialist and secular humanist agendas and our children's curriculum has become a testimony to the morally relative. I have not seen one single positive contribution made by teacher's unions to the cause of education.

Finally, and more importantly, what started this thread was the vandalism at a Catholic Inner City School the day Scott Walker was visiting. Look at the facts- Scott Walker opposes collective bargaining. Teacher's unions HATE private schools. Scott Walker was visiting a private inner city school as a show case demonstrating how kids failing in public schools are flourishing in a private school. This is a very compelling motive to prevent or impede his entry. Motive is not cause and effect, and it is not beyond a reasonable doubt. Then again, signs point in ONE direction. For anyone else to choose to do this is illogical. Nobody else had the motive and it seems odd that teenage vandals or anyone else for that matter would have chosen to block or impede the Governor's entrance at that time.

Finally, as another person posting correctly indicates, Unions and the left are in the same boat when it comes to creating the nanny state and decimating the family unit and placing us all at the altar of the almighty government. If the Union can collectivize the source of capital, skim off the top, and then redistribute the crumbs, they are happy. If the left can collectivize all money, skim off the top in terms of government regulations, bureaucracy, control, and non-productive employment at agencies whose failing missions supposedly promote the common good, then they are happy, regardless whether or not people are miserable. It is all about who is in control, whose rights are preeminent, and whose life and liberty is threatened.

In short, I win, you lose and I wave my big fat fanny at you in disgusted self-satisfaction.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Government Response.

Tragically, today an Earthquake struck our Nation's capital. High level officials are already evaluating whether or not the cause of the quake was Barney Frank's gas attack, Al Sharpton's incoherent ramblings or the jet exhaust from the cheaper jet that Nancy Pelosi must use now that she is no longer House Speaker. No one could reach NOAA, The US Geological Survey, Parks Service, and a cadre of other agencies could not be reached as they were deemed non-essential and sent home once the quake began.

From his underground shelter in Martha's Vineyard, the President was fast to blame the lack of infrastructure and investment in the economy as the root cause of the quake and said that if every coffee cup in the Nation's capital had shock absorbers like he insisted on at the beginning of his term that nothing would have gone wrong and paper all over the government would have remained stain free.

Vice-President Biden slept through the quake and upon waking and told about it shouted, Gorganzola! and then he fell back to sleep.

The White House press office has been abuzz since the incident. The White House is conferring with Harry Reid and House Democrats to see if the country should consider mandatory quake insurance for every man, woman, child, and pet. Further, a Cabinet level position will be created in addition to a Congressional Oversight Committee and a permanent agency to prevent quakes in the future.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Had Enough?

Building Permit Tax
CDL License Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Dog License Tax
Federal Income Tax (Fed)
Federal Unemployment Tax (FU TA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel Permit Tax
Gasoline Tax
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax
Inventory Tax
IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)
IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Luxury Tax
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Service charge Taxes
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Tax (Truckers)
Sales Taxes
Recreational Vehicle Tax
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone Federal Excise Tax
Telephone Federal Universal
Service Fee Tax
Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Tax
Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax
Telephone State and Local Tax
Telephone Usage ChargeTax
Use Tax, (for out of state purchases)
Utility Tax
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax

Monday, May 9, 2011

A day in the Twilight Deliverance Zone

Today was an interesting day, to say the least. If nothing else, by the end of the day, I was convinced, once again, that I would rather work with my mind instead of my back, given the alternative. Today I worked from 9-4 as a duct cleaner.

I found this job because the owner of the business posted his number on a highway. I called him yesterday and told him I could start today. I left a message initially, and he returned my call. He first asked my age, (illegal, by the way), and then if I had any back problems. (I had a triple lumbar fusion six years ago, but I was not about to tell any future employer that.) He called me again last night at 9:30 and wanted to know if I could work today and we agreed to meet at 9:00 a.m.

The day started with me arriving at the pre-designated area. The owner arrived 15 minutes late, and said he ran out of gas. Apparently, he carries five gallons, but he needed to stop for a fill up at the station. His truck’s gas gauge did not work. Neither did the driver’s side door, but he is very resourceful: he secures it with rubber utility straps. With a lurch and a downshift, the truck was off and we headed down the highway to the first cleaning.

The owner’s politics is something that would make Timothy McVeigh envious. He talked incessantly regarding the 13 Jewish Members of the Cabal controlling the Federal Reserve Bank, how they and the illuminati dated back to Patrick Henry and how the Jews did everything from arranging the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, to Huey Long and JFK. We have never been to the moon, 9/11 was all staged by the government, and the Pope has 666 on his Mitre, (he did not know the word). Jesus was not a Jew, and the Jew’s were primarily responsible for communism in Russia and the pogroms visited upon them. He knew all about the Clinton’s 148 assassinations to gain power and how many FBI agents died as soon as they left the service. He felt that our current administration is part of G-d’s wrath and that we are reaping what we deserve.

We finally arrived at the client's home. The homeowner is a professional and an author. I had much more in common with the homeowner than I did with my “boss.” The boss was prattling on about the New World Order and the homeowner brought out three of his books. I scanned two of the chapters, and then asked a couple of pertinent questions regarding his theories. The boss decided he then needed the air hose, so I schlepped it inside.

We cleaned the ducts, and then I sat in the truck and ate my lunch while the boss got a check from the homeowner. The homeowner and I had exchanged emails already. The boss asked me if I knew anything about computers. I told him I had been putting them together since the 80-88s came out for the general market. He asked me that was and I explained that it was the first IBM based computer I started to explain that I got out of computer assembly once you had to start changing jumper settings on the mother boards. His eyes glazed over so I just shut my mouth.

We went to the next house and the boss said he was going to try and "sell" this job. He came out 15 minutes later and told me it was a “no sale,” and that the bible says that “all men are liars.” We drove around the city trying to get his shoes from the cobbler, (closed), and to his daughter to get something else, (could not find her new home), and finally to the post office, where he had mail from David Duke’s group, (seriously), waiting for him. All through our drive, he told me about his one son, who is a preacher and sells supplements at a 50% profit, a daughter, who has mental and substance abuse problems, his first marriage to an alcoholic and his second marriage which ended in divorce 9 months later. All the while, we would pass various geographic locations and he would tell me how he had bid on this location or that one for a business and they all fell through. Based upon the condition of his truck, and his ancient equipment, my guess was that his business acumen did not match his hyperbole.

Based on his misogynistic comments, I do not think he was much of a success with the ladies, either. The boss did tell me about one extra-marital conquest: apparently his brother in-law had “incested” sic his wife and so as payback after his wife had died from alcoholism he slept with his brother-in-law’s wife. We saw two girls who looked at the most to be 19 walking down the street. The Boss made a comment, and I said that I thought they looked a little young to me. He grumbled something half under his breath.

I felt like soon I would be asked to squeal like a pig or that Jerry Springer would jump out from the back of the truck’s cab and ask my opinion on the day. By this point, it was 4:00 p.m. and we had arrived back where we started. He said I should call him in a couple of days because he would have more work. He talked about his various plans for the summer and I could tell his plans had me in mind. I could tell he seemed pleased at the thought of having a full time lackey at his disposal. He opened up his wallet and handed me a twenty and a five. I saw another twenty in his wallet, but he said he needed to wait until he got some change and that he would have to “owe” me.

So, for all that, I got twenty-five smackers. I am sure I spent a gallon of gas getting there and back and I bought two energy drinks at the carry out when the boss stopped to buy himself some pizza. So, I probably netted 21 dollars for seven hour’s work.

Now, this guy is a small businessman who takes risks every day and tries to make a buck. I doubt if he reports any of his income. His dream presidential ticket is Ron Paul and Jesse Ventura. I listened to him field several more calls during the day and each time he asked the person’s age. I politely told him that this was illegal, and he said, “That is man’s law, not G-d’s law.” All in all, he is an old man, with no close relationships, and he struggles out an existence all while loathing society. I am pretty sure if I had bothered to scratch the surface, he would certainly blame his own personal woes on either the papacy, the 13 Jewish families of the Illuminati and the influences of the “Clintoneastas” or the “Bush Crime Family.” He proved two things to me today: 1) time wounds all heels; 2) I had better buckle down like never before and study for that bar, because I do not want to repeat a day like this anytime soon.

Think I should call him again?

Friday, April 29, 2011

Adversity and Walking the Talk

We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help and our shield. In him, our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love be with us, LORD, even as we put our hope in you. Psalm 33 21-22

I am pretty angry and sad right now. I just found out this morning that I flunked the Bar for a second time. I thought I had studied hard enough, I thought I knew the material well enough, but apparently, I do not. I remember one Professor from law school telling me that I really did not need to worry about the bar because it is a test of minimum competency. (Boy, do those words ring in my head now.)

When I was clerking up at court, there was another person I knew who had failed the bar twice. Three different people, whose opinions I respect, each said, independent of each other, “Not everyone is cut out for the law.” They were not being mean, and they each said it with a hint of sadness in their voice, because they knew this person as well.

Jesus said that even the heathen love their friends. As devastating as this blow is, as a Christian, am I not like those who have no faith if I allow myself to fall into despair? Even at the depth of his own human suffering, Christ was asking his father in heaven to forgive his persecutors, rather than wallowing in his pain and become the real victim of his tormentors.

If we are following G-d’s plan, then he can take any setbacks we encounter and use them for good. Whether we know the reason or not, if we keep the faith, then G-d, through the Holy Spirit, can bring good out of it through either the situation or us. It is only our job to keep the faith. A worker ant never sees the outside of the mound, and during this lifetime, we will never fully know the mosaic that is a seemingly chaotic existence. If we are still and know that G-d is in charge, then what more can we ask for in our lives? Fair is the place where you go get cotton candy and no one promised us an easy ride. G-d puts on us no more than we can bear. His yoke is light and if I pull the cart in the right direction, it will always lead to an eternal destination.

Therefore, I will take a deep breath, and bear witness to my faith. As a Christian, in the face of adversity, we walk the talk. I have a beautiful family, a wonderful and supportive wife, and we all have our health. I hope that I will find a job to tide us over until the next exam and we will keep our great home in the country. One thing is for sure: my kids will at least know that when a Saunders gets a kick in the teeth, he or she sets her jaw, gets back up, and gets back into the fight. Like my father always said, “Anything worth having is worth the work and if it was easy, everyone would do it.”