Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Devaluing Marriage and the Rise of Homosexual Legitimacy

         The socially conservative folks of this country have no one to blame but themselves for the fact that the Supreme Court has heard two cases in the last two days that could redefine the meaning of marriage.  We are the ones who allowed ourselves to be drug along down that slippery slope in the late sixties and early seventies when the morally relevant said , "If a man and woman want to get a divorce, whose business is it but theirs?"  We are the ones who allowed themselves to be drug along during the "sexual revolution" when the morally relevant said if a man and woman want to have sex outside of marriage, whose business is it but theirs?" (Regardless of the consequences) When the inevitable happened and these couplings outside of marriage produced issue, we allowed ourselves to be drug along when the morally relevant said, "If a woman wants to raise a baby alone or have it sucked out of her womb, whose business is it but theirs"  Each step devalued the meaning of marriage, the meaning of what it is to be a parent, and what it means to be part of an intact family.  

        What happened at the end of moral relativity luge ride?  We have kids killing each other in the streets.  We have at least two generations of children born into poverty, dependency, homelessness, addiction, violence and hunger. We have a lower rate of education than almost any industrialized nation by comparison and our inner city schools are failing so badly that the federal, state and local governments cannot throw money fast enough at any promised cure.  Actually, for every societal ill we have faced in the last 60 years, concomittant with the luge ride, there has been an outcry for a governmental solution or program,  The unintended consequences of these programs ultimately fulfills and ensures a cycle of dependency, entitlement and proliferation of the family disintegration.

     Should we ask a child born to give up a mother or ask them to give up a father?  By allowing sex out of wedlock, by default we are tacitly approving of this.  I do not blame homosexuals for saying they should be entitled to get married.  If it is no one's business of the relationships that lead to societal problems, why shouldn't the homosexuals be able to join in the cabal?  Just like the US dollar has become devalued, so has marriage.  We create both without regard to foundational collateral.  The dollar has no proportional capital supporting it and couples enter into marriage without proportional commitment  supporting the institution. If we devalue sex as a physical act only without any constraints of responsibility for potential outcomes i.e. pregnancy, then we have also devalued parenting and procreation.  If we say men or women per se are superfluous to the parenting equation, and tacitly agree that a child can be raised equally well by any combination of adults or lack thereof, we have devalued the meaning of parenting.   Why then, if one man or one woman can raise a child as well as a couple, why shouldn't two men or two women be given the same opportunity? 

          Study after study has shown that poverty rates are decreased between married couples.  Education is increased for children from two parent families.  Overall society is benefited by marriage.  For thousands of years, marriage has been a recognition of society's need for an institution that provides for a stable family unit.  I frankly do not care if I sound like a homophobe or not at this point.  I get called names all the time about my conservative positions, so adding homophobe to the list of ad hominem attacks is just par for the course.    As a child of a traditional family and as a parent of one, and having seen both the problems caused by single parent families, and the instability that is a known statistic amongst homosexual couples, I cannot imagine them  for the most part being able to adequately raise a child and provide the guidance they need into adulthood.  Children need both sexed parents so they can properly observe and imitate their own sex and roles as well as relate to the other sex We devalued the institution of marriage as much as the US Dollar.  
         The only acceptable reasons for divorce are Abuse, un-repentent Addiction, and Adultery.  If people viewed the seriousness and necessity of raising a child in a stable environment; and actually took marriage for the institution with all the gravity and responsibility attached that comes with it, we would not even be in this mess.  I frankly could not give a flying fig what people do behind closed doors or what they stick in each other's orifices.  If two people are engaging in Heterosexual sex, they darn well better make sure if they are doing it outside the confines marriage that they are prepared and willing to take responsibility for the consequences.  If two people are engaging in homosexual sex, don't expect any of the benefits that come along with creating and caring for a life within the purview of a what should be a stable married couple. 

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