Saturday, July 25, 2009

A brief comment

Let's face it. He-who-shall-not-be-named has 1275 days left in office unless we can manage to convince the American People he never belonged in office in the first place since he is possibly a foreign national. He is shaming America all over the planet and no foreign leader is taking President Pop-Star seriously unless they have their hands in our tax funded pockets. His smug hubris only continues to be exceeded by his ignorant pursuit of stale liberal solutions. Our trade deficit has increased. Our economy has worsened. Our national debt continues to exponentially grow at a rate that would challenge Einstein's ability to comprehend. The purported leader of the free world is so busy at baseball games and inviting people he insulted to the Whitehouse for a beer that he cannot or does not have the capacity to focus on the issues at hand. All the while he is pushing for radicalization of both the Supreme Court and the collective nationalization of the country's economic infrastructure. Babies are still murdered as a sacrament of the left and their blood will continue to be spilled upon the steps of the Supreme Court if his latest nominee takes office. An agenda confiscating the guns of the law abiding is proposed while the criminal element's judicial rights are expanded. Failure does not begin to describe this administration. Apocalypse comes closer to the mark. A country simply cannot spend its way out of debt, tax its way into prosperity and morally equivocate the perverse and expect the social fabric to remain intact. A country that outsources all of its products cannot sustain its economy on wages from flipping hamburgers and stocking shelves at the Big Box Stores. Call for his resignation. Call for his birth certificate. If you are not registered to vote, do so today and vote for a representative or senator that will block him at every turn. Pray for our nation and for G-d's intercession into this administration as soon as possible. Never give up, never concede, never acquiesce, never bow before the dark side. Fight them at the ballot box, in front of the abortion clinic, in your letters, emails, telephone calls and faxes. G-d bless you all and may he bless our efforts and our fight.


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