Saturday, February 6, 2010

Dear President Reagan

First Happy Birthday, you were a good man and I am sure you are having a good time in heaven. You inspired many conservatives and your popularity only has grown since you shuffled off this mortal coil. Almost everyone hopes to inherit your legacy and the wide base you commanded. You were labeled the Great Communicator by some, and the Teflon President by your detractors and it seems that history has been kind to your presidency thus far.

On the other hand, I was not all that thrilled with your presidency. You spent mega bucks on SDI and we never got any return on that boondoggle. You did nothing to protect American jobs, and subsequently took a 7 million dollar speaking fee from the Japanese shortly after leaving office. You cut medicaid benefits to kids in college whose parents had died and gave a tax cut to the rich at the same time. Your infamous secretary of agriculture made ketchup a vegetable in school lunches and the block grants you were so proud of never made a bit of difference in the size of the Federal Government. You kept us in Lebanon too long and as the result, 200 fine young men were killed. You and your administration take all the credit for the fall of the Soviet Union when history tells you knew the rough shape and the imminent collapse of the USSR almost four months before when you told Gorbechev to "Tear down that wall."

For all of Gary Hart's philandering, and his neo-socialist agenda he did have one thing right. Instead of SDI, we could have accomplished the same thing with many smaller nuclear armed subs and small ships moving around the ocean and had them also armed with Anti Ballistic Missiles. That, at least, would have been also a boon to our infrastructure instead of all that money being wasted on R & D at General Dynamics on no bid contracts. ... See More

Give me Robert Taft Senior for president.

The only way this country will survive is if a real American Conservative is willing to throw themselves on their sword in almost Christ like fashion and make draconian cuts in social programs, foreign military spending, and impose a national sales tax along with a flat tax. We need to remove all taxes from retirement investments, allow everyone who wants to go into medical school into it, pass real litigation reform, give massive tax benefits to non-profit insurance companies and slowly shift all risk from for profit insurance.

Regarding foreign policy, the new president should announce on day one of his inaugural speech that we are calling home every foreign based soldier and impounding every foreign military and foreign aid expenditure. He simultaneously announces that every ex-patriot has exactly 60 days to get home. After that, if a foreign enemy takes them or any other American traveling overseas hostage, they will be declared casualties of war and we launch drones on their location.

If we have a strategic interest in a region of the world, we announce that is a strategic location zone. If anyone attacks it, we turn it and the country attacking it to glass from above. Make shock and awe look like the grand opening of the corner coffee shop.

If some nut job overseas starts killing his own civilians and Americans want to help, we will allow them to apply for a permit and if it does not go against our national interests, they can organize their own battalions and we can offer them our facilities for training purposes. They can fight the nut jobs directly.

On the home front, every person living here at our sufferance swears allegiance to the United States and its Constitution. If they are unwilling to do that, they are deported. Every person living in the US will also be given six months to learn English and pass a basic writing and speaking exam.

While we are at it, let us also make two years of post high school public service mandatory and higher education free for all those who academically qualify after they are done with their two years of service.

All welfare recipients would have to be drug tested to get welfare.

We set up a bounty system for the capture of illegal aliens. Just like getting a conceal carry permit, one could go to their local law enforcement agency, get a permit as a illegal alien bounty hunter and the feds pay them a reward for every one that they return to a check point / processing center at the US Mexican Border. We will use some of that high tech gadgetry we have and mount laser cannons and Gatling guns on our southern border, shoot everything that moves in a two mile no man's zone at our border and x-ray every cargo box coming into this country.

Of course that will free up a lot of manual labor jobs. If one has a job like that available, they will simply notify the welfare office and it will be given to a recipient or lose their benefits.

Finally, we start giving real tax benefits to the educated middle class to have more children. Give them low cost housing that has been built by those on welfare or doing their public service. Welfare recipients will be learning the construction trade and at the same time, those who are benefiting society the most will also reap its benefits.

None of the above solutions are rocket science and they all make common sense.

Warmest Regards;

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