Monday, August 29, 2011

Teacher's Unions, Baby Murder, and The Left .

I engaged a friend of mine in a recent discussion concerning vandalism of an inner city school when Governor Scott Walker was coming to visit. This thread eventually turned into a discussion of teacher's unions, and the left in general. I decided to post my final reply here. My friend was pretty much arguing for abortion allowances for cases of rape and not using the correct evidentiary standard when establishing that the Radicalized Teacher's Unions may have been involved in the vandalism. Here is the post with the names deleted:

Regarding rape and abortion, or rather rape and pregnancy, if a person becomes a person at the time of conception, and if a person is a person the day before he or she is born, two days before he or she is born. a month before he or she is born, and a person back to the time he or she is born, that person, regardless of the circumstances of their conception, is no less a person than a person born full term. Period. Therefore, their rights to life are preeminent to the wishes of the mother, the father, or anyone else for that matter unless the mother's life is in danger.

As far as teacher pay and our failing education system is concerned, I have posted my solution to the education problem too numerous times to mention. We privatize education, give every kid a voucher, let the market rule. Teachers would get rich, schooling would improve, and education overall would reach unknown levels.

Teachers unionize because they work for a school system. If the system was privatized, they would work for themselves like doctors or lawyers. As it is, they are in radicalized unions, following socialist and secular humanist agendas and our children's curriculum has become a testimony to the morally relative. I have not seen one single positive contribution made by teacher's unions to the cause of education.

Finally, and more importantly, what started this thread was the vandalism at a Catholic Inner City School the day Scott Walker was visiting. Look at the facts- Scott Walker opposes collective bargaining. Teacher's unions HATE private schools. Scott Walker was visiting a private inner city school as a show case demonstrating how kids failing in public schools are flourishing in a private school. This is a very compelling motive to prevent or impede his entry. Motive is not cause and effect, and it is not beyond a reasonable doubt. Then again, signs point in ONE direction. For anyone else to choose to do this is illogical. Nobody else had the motive and it seems odd that teenage vandals or anyone else for that matter would have chosen to block or impede the Governor's entrance at that time.

Finally, as another person posting correctly indicates, Unions and the left are in the same boat when it comes to creating the nanny state and decimating the family unit and placing us all at the altar of the almighty government. If the Union can collectivize the source of capital, skim off the top, and then redistribute the crumbs, they are happy. If the left can collectivize all money, skim off the top in terms of government regulations, bureaucracy, control, and non-productive employment at agencies whose failing missions supposedly promote the common good, then they are happy, regardless whether or not people are miserable. It is all about who is in control, whose rights are preeminent, and whose life and liberty is threatened.

In short, I win, you lose and I wave my big fat fanny at you in disgusted self-satisfaction.